Wednesday, June 17, 2009

what a life..

Yesterday was quite possibly one of the longest days of my life. Also probably one of the most confusing.

I woke up to a house full of people who had spent the night after a party at my house with waaaay more beer than people. The night before, everyone was drunk. At one point Dingman and I used my nephew's kiddie pool as a boat in my pool and sang the "I'm on a Boat" song. A guy was running around butt-ass naked, somebody changed my desktop background to Brokeback Mountain, my screen door probably popped out about 10 times from intoxicated people falling or walking through it, I think I tripped over my dog more than that because she wouldn't leave my side - Josh saved her quite a few times from the brunt of my drunk stumbling, and the morning after, there was definitely a mess to clean up.

After I woke up I made breakfast with Matt Dempsy- probably the most delicious salami-cheese eggs ever. Maybe the only salami eggs ever. And somebody was generous and decided to leave a 24oz. of budweiser in my fridge. Beer and eggs. :)

And then last night was amazing.. and confusing.. I'm always confused. But I'm also falling. I heard those go hand in hand. And I'm ok with that. But I won't let it lose it's meaning. Even if that only makes sense to me.

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