Monday, August 31, 2009

Love, me.


Do any of you even miss me? Honestly.. all the hours I poured into our friendships.. all the conversations that seemed as if they'd go on forever. The trust we put in each other. We prayed over our every struggle. We held each other. We talked about God then. And we walked with him too.

I saw you all not so long ago. Seems as if I'm the only one who's really changed. It's sort of sad in a way. Because if I were to come back, I doubt you'd even take me. And once you did, you would probably never listen to a thing I said. Because I'm a hypocrite. And a sinner.

Intolerence. Many people say Christianity is a religion of intolerence. But I think that it doesn't really matter what people think anymore. All I know is I miss you guys. I didn't think I would.. but I do. All of you.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Julie,
    I miss you. I think about you sometimes and wonder how you're doing...I wonder if you're alright, if you're still making music, and what you're up to. I remember all our hot tub trips and random talks (like the long one up in the music practice rooms...that one was my favourite I think :), and I wish you were coming back to Prov so I could see you again. You're a truly beautiful individual...lovely on the inside and out, and I wish you the best in life. I know this is really the most random comment ever haha...I just found your blog on your facebook...but hey, I know that life goes on and people move apart, but I still want to wish you the best in life and love and joy and in spirit. You're amazing, hun. You have so much love in you that pours out all over those you care about.
    Bless you.
