Monday, February 8, 2010

the pursuit of happiness

These last couple of months, and especially since I took that 2 week vacation at the end of October, my life has completely made a turn. And it has been absolutely eye-opening. It's really breaking, mostly financially, to get away from some things.. especially the things that come so quickly and easily. It's difficult to remove yourself from that situation altogether.

I just knew I wasn't happy. All the money, adoration, or acceptant attitude from friends wasn't going to change that. But I was tough. Then, I began to fall in love and as my tough heart began to melt, it was beautiful, and I changed. I couldn't stomach it anymore. And the evident eventual realization set in. This wasn't getting me anywhere, and it was about time I made the decision to put in some hard work toward something worthwhile.

The things people say under their breath, to other people, or post on some anonymous forum don't affect me, because it's true. Put a title on me if it pleases you, but understand that part of my past is completely irrelevant to my life now, or any part of my future. Open to new things, and new possibilities, I am bound for a better, happier, more fulfilling life. And I couldn't ask for more.

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