Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mary Jane

I didn't cry. I said I wouldn't. I said they'd never see me cry.
That's why I didn't cry. Breakups suck.. especially when you really saw yourself with that person for a long time. When you thought everything was going great. And then bam.

But I'm not gonna write a whole blog about break-ups. Actually ironic enough for those of you who are close enough to me to know the situation, tonight I write about marijuana, weed, bud, or as I prefer to call it mary jane.

I am proud to say that I believe in the legalization of marijuana.

The government has no right to regulate what goes into my body. That is my choice. Especially when what I'm consuming is not harmful to my body. Obesity kills millions every year but the government has no right to regulate our food intake. I'm not a dimwit. I know that we don't need to smoke marijuana in order to survive- though it does make it easier- and food is a necessity but if that's your argument what about..

Alcohol. Legal to buy and consume by anyone age 21 or older yet there are hundreds of thousands of deaths every year attributed to alcohol.

How many record deaths are attributed to marijuana? 0.

Don't be brainwashed. If the government's concern for our safety was one of the core considerations in the "war on drugs" would that make any sense? 40% of all deaths due to accidental falls, 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents, and 60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol.

The main reason, I honestly believe, why the government has yet to legalize marijuana is because they are making more money as is. For instance, if marijuana is illegal and somebody is charged with possession of it, they will go to court. Usually, because it is more socially acceptable than it used to be, and depending on the state, you will get off with community service and a large fine. Whereas if the government were to legalize marijuana, there would be no way to tax it.

Alright, that's all I have to say about that.
No, I have a lot more to say but that's all I can say for now.
Goodnight. Smoke on.

1 comment:

  1. I don't smoke (you knew that) but I have to agree with you on the government's take on things. Cause you're right. The government sucks up money in any way they can. They don't care about our saftey or health. Obviously, cause like you said, things like obesity etc. kill people repeatedly. They know that they make money off of catching people. They know that's part of their revenue. Ofcourse they're never going to legalize it.

    Crooked government---in more ways than one.
