Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Standing there with nothing on..

I've learned that people can turn on you in a second.
And that you learn the most about yourself when they do.

Life is changing and that's alright with me. You don't have to respect what I do, just respect who I am. And if you're not going to respect that I definitely don't want you in my life anyways. I mean.. you can say all you want but guess who's not going to have loans to pay back when she gets out of school? Guess who's going to have a house with amazing roomates that she can relax at all day if she wants to? Guess who's going to have awesome parties and tons of tequila in the fridge at all times?

Don't try to apologize now.. you said what you meant.
And don't come knocking on my door when I'm living there.
I swear, don't do it.

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